Friday, May 21, 2010
I don't know what the cause is, and I'm sure it's a self-perpetuating cycle, but I've been really happy lately. Singing to myself more, dancing around the house, and laughing at silly things more. I'm really excited to be going to Florida on the permanent, or maybe it's #12. Maybe it's the ridiculous dogs I spend my time with, they ARE fairly amusing. Maybe it's all the sun I've been getting lately (yay vitamin D!). Whatever the reason, I'm very Happy. That is all.
Good Things
So... I've been a little bummed out, because #12 is amazing. And kinda perfect. Which makes me wish that I could have a real chance at a relationship with him, rather than starting to date him just in time to leave. Great Things about #12:
- He is an incredible dancer
- He has a real grown-up job (high school teacher)
- He seems to be happy with said grown-up job
- He feels bad for the short notice when cancelling a date 24 hours in advance
- He's a total romantic
- He does NOT like PDA
- He's smart
- He's tall
- He is all muscly and sexy and stuff
- His bachelors degree was in Percussion Performance (read: he's a musician)
- He can sing
- Perhaps most importantly: He compliments me a lot!
I'm not setting any rules about this. I've made that mistake before. Instead, I'm simply going to see what happens, and enjoy the ride. Who knows what will happen. And, if nothing else, he's helping me get over #5, which is a REALLY good thing.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I didn't get a Disney Professional Internship... sadness.
But instead I got a full time job... YAY!
But instead I got a full time job... YAY!
I'm in trouble
It's a really good thing that I'm moving to Florida in a week, but it's a bad thing too. I found a really really great guy. And I'm smitten. Like, REALLY smitten. #12 has been talking to me more and more the last few weeks at the saturday night dances, and then this past week I told him that it was probably going to be my last weekend dancing in Houston, since I'm leaving soon and have a WHOLE LOT of stuff to get done before then. At which point he looked really sad, and later asked if I'd like to go get Starbucks after dancing, since it would probably be my last week. PSSH! YEAH!!! It was a really good night of dancing, he's a really good dancer and he asked me to dance a few times, plus some of my other fav leads were there. So we left Te early and I followed him to Starbucks, which was really busy. While waiting in line he told me that my face sparkles when I smile, and that I have an infectious laugh, and he'd wanted to ask me out for the last two weeks, but had assumed I had a boyfriend. Really guys? Never assume that, cause if she has a boyfriend, she'll be flattered that you asked, you'll make her day, and she'll tell you. Once we had our drinks, we decided to go for a drive where he showed me the place where there's Blues Dancing on thursday nights and showed me Rice University (where he got his Master's degree), all the while talking music. Good music at that, Andrews Sisters, Sinatra, Sammy, as well as Buble, Connick, McKelle and Gardot. We got out to walk around a park, and he sang "You've got what it takes" and "Your Song" to me, then kissed me. Apparently I have addictive kisses and "Lips like Rose Petals." Just the thought of him makes me smile. I'm in trouble. He's as muscled as #5 and a good 6 inches taller. And have I mentioned his mad dance skills? How bout that he teaches High School? Yeah, I'm in trouble, a tall muscled dancer with a grown up job and a great voice. le sigh. And now I have to leave in a week. Get to leave, I mean, I'm going to have my own place, no roommates, no family, just me. That makes me happy. Really Happy.
In general, I'm really Happy right now. Capital H and all.
I went over to his place on Monday evening, we watched a movie and had pizza. We're going to see each other a few more times before I leave, for which I'm glad.
Also, cause I haven't posted it in a while, got hit on by a guy at the beach who wanted to take my picture cause I was so pretty (#27). Another waiter hit on me (#28), and there was a guy(#29) at the symphony last week who hit on me - he wants to make music with me, lol! - and so I must say I've have a wonderful week.
In general, I'm really Happy right now. Capital H and all.
I went over to his place on Monday evening, we watched a movie and had pizza. We're going to see each other a few more times before I leave, for which I'm glad.
Also, cause I haven't posted it in a while, got hit on by a guy at the beach who wanted to take my picture cause I was so pretty (#27). Another waiter hit on me (#28), and there was a guy(#29) at the symphony last week who hit on me - he wants to make music with me, lol! - and so I must say I've have a wonderful week.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
How to impress on the first date...
So, on occasion I have put out text messages to my guy friends, asking a random question (short hair vs long, blonde, brunette or redhead, random things like this). I have decided to keep tabs on the questions and responses I get, cause I find it interesting/funny.
Tonight's Question was:
What is the best way for a woman to make a good impression on a first date?
Responses were as follows:
From Spartacus (#5):
"Laugh at all of his jokes, no matter how lame they are, and then put out by the end of the night."
"And yes, I'm joking. Laughing at lame jokes is totally optional."
(from me: "it was a serious question!)
"Ah, in that case, never having personally been a GIRL on a date, all I say is to listen politely in conversation and don't be a bitch (and let him pay)."
"And if he expects you to pay, or go dutch = Red Flag."
From Humphrey Bogart (#6):
"Go naked! ;)"
(from me: "I'm serious!)
"So was I. Just be yourself you're an awesome person if he doesn't like you for who you are, f@#$ him, I think you're great. ;)"
From Loser:
"put real interest in what he might talk about."
From Daughtry:
"And then don't make him start all the conversations. Equal shares. :)"
From Crazy!:
"Obviously you want to display your intelligence, and don't worry about how pretentious you may seem. Then act sexy, and drop inuendoes. Those two will blend"
From Four:
"Make jokes"
"Dont be weird or be afraid to touch"
From Brown:
"Well I am multi faceted so it depends on the gubut be yourself and show your smart and not a push over make him work for it"
From de Play-a:
"Spread ur legs and wear perfume that smells like Beer. Sweet, sweet Beer"
"Or smile, be playful, and have confidence. Either works."
From Galveston:
"Telling them if you want a second date"
From Creeper:
"Be yourself first of all, because you're awesome. Second be willing to come up with ideas if he runs short of plans and let you sense of humor out since laughter is a great memory booster."
From Married:
"The best way for a woman to make a good impression on a first date is by not walking out when she finds out I have been married for 8 years."
:) This is exactly what I got back from the guys (punctuation, spelling and all), no typos on my end. I got some interesting responses, and I have awesome guy friends!
Tonight's Question was:
What is the best way for a woman to make a good impression on a first date?
Responses were as follows:
From Spartacus (#5):
"Laugh at all of his jokes, no matter how lame they are, and then put out by the end of the night."
"And yes, I'm joking. Laughing at lame jokes is totally optional."
(from me: "it was a serious question!)
"Ah, in that case, never having personally been a GIRL on a date, all I say is to listen politely in conversation and don't be a bitch (and let him pay)."
"And if he expects you to pay, or go dutch = Red Flag."
From Humphrey Bogart (#6):
"Go naked! ;)"
(from me: "I'm serious!)
"So was I. Just be yourself you're an awesome person if he doesn't like you for who you are, f@#$ him, I think you're great. ;)"
From Loser:
"put real interest in what he might talk about."
From Daughtry:
"And then don't make him start all the conversations. Equal shares. :)"
From Crazy!:
"Obviously you want to display your intelligence, and don't worry about how pretentious you may seem. Then act sexy, and drop inuendoes. Those two will blend"
From Four:
"Make jokes"
"Dont be weird or be afraid to touch"
From Brown:
"Well I am multi faceted so it depends on the gubut be yourself and show your smart and not a push over make him work for it"
From de Play-a:
"Spread ur legs and wear perfume that smells like Beer. Sweet, sweet Beer"
"Or smile, be playful, and have confidence. Either works."
From Galveston:
"Telling them if you want a second date"
From Creeper:
"Be yourself first of all, because you're awesome. Second be willing to come up with ideas if he runs short of plans and let you sense of humor out since laughter is a great memory booster."
From Married:
"The best way for a woman to make a good impression on a first date is by not walking out when she finds out I have been married for 8 years."
:) This is exactly what I got back from the guys (punctuation, spelling and all), no typos on my end. I got some interesting responses, and I have awesome guy friends!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Whilst, yes whilst.

"Let the warriors clamor after gods of blood and thunder; love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel. It is as inexorable as the tides, and life and death alike follow in it's wake."
~from Kushiel's Chosen by Jacqueline Carey
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Florida Sunshine
So I got back from a week in Florida last night. Was an interesting time. Happily, I stayed with #5, who commented on the fact that I seem happier and healthier than I have been the last few times he's seen me. And, well, we did have some fun... but he was more distant than he has been. At first. After last time, I think one of our mutual friends must have tipped him off to how obvious certain things about his body language were. He had a very... studied way of acting toward me, at first. As my trip wore on, he slipped back into his old body language: rubbing my knee in the car, pulling me close to him on the couch, holding me as we slept, leaning toward me and mirroring my body language at meals. All very indicative body language. It's time. Time to say good bye. The very thought of it makes me want to cry. But it's what I have to do. In order to reach Happy and Healthy, I can't continue to give him love, not if it will be unreturned. I will tell him that I wish he would give us one more chance, that I think it's one we deserve, but that I am a realist, so good bye. Don't ask me how I'll do this without breaking down in front of him, but I have to. I have to.
Friday #5 and I went for Lollicup, then (as is our habit) went to Bad Apple Comics next door for a while, then hit Barnes and Noble. Once in B&N, we went our separate ways, wondering about the store. I was hit on by three different strangers... it made me smile, like a lot. Especially the guy who asked me why I was so beautiful (#22). I've been hit on enough that it doesn't usually make me blush, but this guy succeeded in making me blush. #23 and #24 weren't nearly as fun of memories, they were very... average. But at least #22 will stay in my memory. Saturday night went drinking with #5, met up with an old friend... #25. He walked up and grabbed my butt by way of a greeting. I love him. #5 started a tab and told me to get whatever I want to drink on the tab. Which, well, that's nice enough as it is. When I got up to go get myself my second drink, I was intercepted by a man at the bar, who bought me a shot. Love my life.
On an unhealthy note, my night shirt smells like #5, it makes me happy.
Friday #5 and I went for Lollicup, then (as is our habit) went to Bad Apple Comics next door for a while, then hit Barnes and Noble. Once in B&N, we went our separate ways, wondering about the store. I was hit on by three different strangers... it made me smile, like a lot. Especially the guy who asked me why I was so beautiful (#22). I've been hit on enough that it doesn't usually make me blush, but this guy succeeded in making me blush. #23 and #24 weren't nearly as fun of memories, they were very... average. But at least #22 will stay in my memory. Saturday night went drinking with #5, met up with an old friend... #25. He walked up and grabbed my butt by way of a greeting. I love him. #5 started a tab and told me to get whatever I want to drink on the tab. Which, well, that's nice enough as it is. When I got up to go get myself my second drink, I was intercepted by a man at the bar, who bought me a shot. Love my life.
On an unhealthy note, my night shirt smells like #5, it makes me happy.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Break Even
I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing, just prayin to a god that I don't beleive in. Cause I got time while [he] got freedom. Cause when a heart breaks no it don't break even... What am I s'posed to do when the best part of me was always you? What am I s'posed to say when I'm choked up and you're OK? I'm falling to pieces... They say bad things happen for a reason, but no wise words gonna stop the bleedin'. Cause [he]'s moved on while I'm still greiving, and when a heart breaks, no it don't break, no it don't break even.
What am I gonna do, when the best part of me was always you?
What am I s'posed to say when I'm all choked up and you're OK?
I'm falling to pieces, yeah.
I'm falling to pieces.
I'm staying in your apartment, sleeping in your bed, and I'm falling to pieces.
What am I gonna do, when the best part of me was always you?
What am I s'posed to say when I'm all choked up and you're OK?
I'm falling to pieces, yeah.
I'm falling to pieces.
I'm staying in your apartment, sleeping in your bed, and I'm falling to pieces.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
I shoulda stayed here
I wish so many things, I wish I had done so many things differently. But I can't change what has been done. There are things that have happened in my life because of the decision I made that are good, and spectacular, but I still wish I had made a different decision.
le sigh
le sigh
Friday, April 9, 2010
la la laaaaaaa!
I will be in Florida in 4 days!!! YAY!!! While I'm there, I'm gonna be looking at apartments to live in, from the research I've done, I think I've found a place -Bella Apartments- that will be nice, have to actually tour the place before making any decisions, but hopefully I'll soon be calling it home. Still no word yet on the Professional Internship, I would really REALLY like to know soon. But most notably, before I leave FL to come back to TX, so I can sign a lease and start getting everything cemented and ready for the summer.
This summer is going to get a pretty awesome kick-off, tho. May 30-June 1 I'm going on a Caribbean Cruise with my family. It will be AMAZING!! can't wait. And then I'll go straight to Florida for the summer. (I'm excited, if you couldn't tell)
4 days to Florida!
Maximum 21 days until I hear about the PI!
the waiting = killing me
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
this sucks
So, I've been working out consistently for the last two weeks (and inconsistently before that), and I have come to a conclusion. Back in high school, when I was swimming 4-5 miles a day (six days a week) and spending every other day in the weight room AND dancing a few times a week, I must have been a masochist. (random factoid of the day) Either that, or I'm getting old. Honestly, I better start loosing weight soon, cause I don't know how I can be doing this and eating less and not be loosing weight.
I leave you with a simple word:
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
How news is delivered...
I have it from a reliable source that if I am accepted for a Professional Internship, I should be getting a phone call, and if I am not accepted, the denial will come in the form of an e-mail. I'm so incredible nervous to find out, despite the fact that I feel like I'm well qualified for a PI, I don't like waiting. I was originally told mid-April, but they later started telling people "by May 1st" so who knows. Sometime in the next 24 days I'll find out.
*insert freak out here*
wow, I've kinda been neglecting the list...
so... first off, good news! I will be staying with #5 next week when I'm in Florida. I shall play it cool and not push for anything. I am just so happy to be staying with him.
#17... So about a week and a half ago my sister and I went out for Thai food, and we ended up being helped by the Assistant Manager. It was a slow night, and the waiters were sitting around not doing anything, but HE came over and was helping us. Very cute and flirty. Then, he comes over and tells us that our car has a flat, so when we were done he came out and changed the tire for us (behold: the power of the skirt). So I asked him if I could buy him a drink when he got off work, as a way of saying thank you, so he called me when he got off work and we met up for some beers at BJ's. Unfortunately, he had a gang sign tattooed on his arm and some of his friends swung by, and they were SKETCH. But it was fun for a night.
#18 was yet another waiter. My life is funny. Mondays are (were, H now works nights, so it doesn't work anymore) Margarita Mondays. We would go to this little mexican restaurant for happy hour (which lasts two days) and for yummy food. Last time we were there, #18 was one of our waiters (we had like, 5). He literally asked me if I knew what the name of the meal I ordered - la bonita- meant, and then told me it meant "Beautiful, just like you" (!!) and then later flat out asked me if I had a boyfriend, and if I needed one. It was REALLY REAALLLY FUNNY! #19, #20, and #21 were all our waiters as well. more like I think they wanted an excuse to hit on us.
Bad News: Little Red is in the shop because H crashed her on the freeway. Sad Day!
#17... So about a week and a half ago my sister and I went out for Thai food, and we ended up being helped by the Assistant Manager. It was a slow night, and the waiters were sitting around not doing anything, but HE came over and was helping us. Very cute and flirty. Then, he comes over and tells us that our car has a flat, so when we were done he came out and changed the tire for us (behold: the power of the skirt). So I asked him if I could buy him a drink when he got off work, as a way of saying thank you, so he called me when he got off work and we met up for some beers at BJ's. Unfortunately, he had a gang sign tattooed on his arm and some of his friends swung by, and they were SKETCH. But it was fun for a night.
#18 was yet another waiter. My life is funny. Mondays are (were, H now works nights, so it doesn't work anymore) Margarita Mondays. We would go to this little mexican restaurant for happy hour (which lasts two days) and for yummy food. Last time we were there, #18 was one of our waiters (we had like, 5). He literally asked me if I knew what the name of the meal I ordered - la bonita- meant, and then told me it meant "Beautiful, just like you" (!!) and then later flat out asked me if I had a boyfriend, and if I needed one. It was REALLY REAALLLY FUNNY! #19, #20, and #21 were all our waiters as well. more like I think they wanted an excuse to hit on us.
Bad News: Little Red is in the shop because H crashed her on the freeway. Sad Day!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Amazing's list of not-so-amazing stuff which must be done every day...
The only way I'll do this is if I write it down, and I put it lots of places. Might as well start here.
0800 - Wake up. No matter what, up by 0800 (yes, I run on the 24 hour clock, sue me)
After morning coffee, Brisk walk around the big loop of the neighborhood (2.5 miles)
Drink water after walking the dogs, also water the plants at the same time
Do 300 Jumping Jacks a day.
100 Push ups a day
100 Sit ups each day
Walk around the loop a second time in the evening.
Do yoga before bed.
Second walk can be skipped on dancing days.
Second walk may be skipped in lieu of sex
When watching TV - Fruit and Tea or Water, ONLY!
This is my plan. So there.
0800 - Wake up. No matter what, up by 0800 (yes, I run on the 24 hour clock, sue me)
After morning coffee, Brisk walk around the big loop of the neighborhood (2.5 miles)
Drink water after walking the dogs, also water the plants at the same time
Do 300 Jumping Jacks a day.
100 Push ups a day
100 Sit ups each day
Walk around the loop a second time in the evening.
Do yoga before bed.
Second walk can be skipped on dancing days.
Second walk may be skipped in lieu of sex
When watching TV - Fruit and Tea or Water, ONLY!
This is my plan. So there.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Every day I wake up, and I take care of my sister's home. My sister's dogs. My sister.
I check the mail, my phone, my e-mail. Desperate for some word... did I get the job?
My homepage tells me, how many days (and minutes and seconds) until I'm back home, and I anxiously wait for zero.
Facebook tells me about the festivals, the parties, the wacky antics of my friends on either coast.
Each day I give what strength I can, and hide all the pain which I carry.
Here to help. To be strong. Capable. Self-sufficient. Loving. Giving. No one here to give to me.
I've put my life on hold for my sister. Her life had fallen to shit. She needed someone, she was alone. That's what family is for, but I wonder, would any of them have done it for me? I like to think that I wouldn't need the rescue. I know I would never ask for it. But still... I don't have anyone who would pause life for me. I want someone. To be someone's waking thought. The one whose name alone brings with it a smile. I want someone to care as much about me as I would care about them. I'm lonely. Maybe I'm just feeling selfish. But I'm allowed, aren't I? Or maybe I'm just tired.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
possible speech...
Dear [#5],
There's something I need to say, something which I need to put out there. This is not something you have to react to, or respond to at all, I just want everything out in the open, then I'm gone.
Before I met you, I was the girl who dealt with things. I got over guys. My exes have called me cold-hearted and a heartbreaker, because once a relationship is over, it's over. And I'm done. Then you happen, and everything changed. I ended things with a guy who bought me diamonds, who bought me many pretty things, because of how I felt with you: safer than I've ever felt. Then I left, and I'm sorry I did.
I went back to Utah,did what I'd always done before, but I couldn't get over you. I go out with new guys, date new men, and none of it matters. It's not the same.
When I'm with you, I feel safe. Safe to face inner demons, to share my secrets and fears, safe to be weak.
You are amazing, and I'm sorry to have been such a pain.
I'm moving to Florida, then I'm not going anywhere. I wish you would give me, give us, one more chance, it's one I feel we deserve.
I love you, but won't harass you anymore.
Good Bye.
There's something I need to say, something which I need to put out there. This is not something you have to react to, or respond to at all, I just want everything out in the open, then I'm gone.
Before I met you, I was the girl who dealt with things. I got over guys. My exes have called me cold-hearted and a heartbreaker, because once a relationship is over, it's over. And I'm done. Then you happen, and everything changed. I ended things with a guy who bought me diamonds, who bought me many pretty things, because of how I felt with you: safer than I've ever felt. Then I left, and I'm sorry I did.
I went back to Utah,did what I'd always done before, but I couldn't get over you. I go out with new guys, date new men, and none of it matters. It's not the same.
When I'm with you, I feel safe. Safe to face inner demons, to share my secrets and fears, safe to be weak.
You are amazing, and I'm sorry to have been such a pain.
I'm moving to Florida, then I'm not going anywhere. I wish you would give me, give us, one more chance, it's one I feel we deserve.
I love you, but won't harass you anymore.
Good Bye.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Hat Boxes
Little Story for ya...
Just over a year ago, I was out shopping for Christmas gifts for my girlfriends, and found these Amazing Hat Boxes. So I bought one (each with a different design) for myself and my other amigos. I have since decided that I want to buy the rest of the collection for myself, but I can't find them anywhere! and I'm annoyed!! (gr)
Just over a year ago, I was out shopping for Christmas gifts for my girlfriends, and found these Amazing Hat Boxes. So I bought one (each with a different design) for myself and my other amigos. I have since decided that I want to buy the rest of the collection for myself, but I can't find them anywhere! and I'm annoyed!! (gr)
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Fun Stuffs
Went on some adventures in the last few days...

Also went to Galveston yesterday. Went to the Aquarium, which had some really neat unique fishies in it. I was asked if I'd take someone's picture... my CM tattoo must still be visible. Also went to the beach and meandered up and down it. Fun people watching! Also a really neat seawall painted with all kinds of sea life on it. Seal of Approval!!!
Also! 30 days til I'm in Florida next!! YAY!!!
For now, I leave you with just this...
Tequila for my Girls,
Whiskey for my Men,
and Beer for my Horses!!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Some things just have to be shared....
Sometimes, you find something online, and it has to be shared....
Most recently? Zombie Pinups!
Zombies + Pinups = BizarreAmazingAwesomeness
Most recently? Zombie Pinups!
Zombies + Pinups = BizarreAmazingAwesomeness
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Life is... strange.
In other news...
I went dancing again, and #10 wasn't there (sadness) but again I got to see and dance with #11 (cute guy working on a PhD), #12 (tall guy who can really dance), #13 (cute kid with no frame), and #14 (attractive but very aloof dude) were all there and made me feel pretty yet again. Loves it. There was also #15, a guy with hair longer than my own and #16, who is VERY attractive, and can REALLY dance well. I do love Houston's dance scene.
The interview I was supposed to have today didn't happen because Disney didn't need to interview me, cause they had all the information from the interview a few weeks ago. Made my life easy.
"A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing."
In other news...
I went dancing again, and #10 wasn't there (sadness) but again I got to see and dance with #11 (cute guy working on a PhD), #12 (tall guy who can really dance), #13 (cute kid with no frame), and #14 (attractive but very aloof dude) were all there and made me feel pretty yet again. Loves it. There was also #15, a guy with hair longer than my own and #16, who is VERY attractive, and can REALLY dance well. I do love Houston's dance scene.
The interview I was supposed to have today didn't happen because Disney didn't need to interview me, cause they had all the information from the interview a few weeks ago. Made my life easy.
"A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing."
2010 #11,
2010 #12,
2010 #13,
2010 #14,
2010 #15,
2010 #16,
Disney Internship,
Random Factoid
Monday, March 1, 2010
Ah ha ha ha ha!!!
I had to share my geeky moment of the day... So I was doing an internet search for Talking Cavern aka the Talking Rocks Cavern in Missouri... but I mistyped, hit the c instead of v in cavern, and as I went to erase it, I noticed that "Talking Cac" will lead google to recommend "Talking Cactus" for your search. Too weird, and something I HAVE to check out. Know what I found? Girls with Slingshots: Two Girls, a Bar, and a Talking Cactus. It's my new favorite webcomic. I = in love.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
I loves me some dancing!!
So, it's been an interesting week for me. Not really during the days, cause those are fairly routine at this point: Wake up, work on my online classes, take the dogs for their two and a half mile walk, eat lunch, do yoga and be a lazy bum until my sister gets home. There's also usually something along the lines of do the dishes/laundry/something, but it's fairly simple. Anyway, that's not the point! (have been hit on during the dog walks twice: #8 & #9)
Thursday, my sister was on call, and I had nothing to do. Went looking online and found out that there's Blues dancing at a bar in Houston, and it sounded like fun, so I got all dolled up and drove out there. When I get there... what do I discover?? It's a gross, creepy, scary dive. Yeah, I turned around and got back in my car, it wasn't the kind of place I want to be by myself.
Friday, my sister and I decided to go to a Comedy Club, and a few of her friends from the hospital were going to join us. Fun, right? Not so much. We were the only ones in the audience, and they were TERRIBLE. I'm talking horribly, embarassingly terrible. Afterwords we went to a Wine Bar, chilled out. Nothing very exciting.
Then, Last Night, was FINALLY a good night! Swing dancing on Saturday nights happens at a Tea House. First off, that in and of itself is spectacular, cause... Swing + Tea = S'Awesome. I head over there and it's PACKED. #7 wasn't there, but that's OK, cause #10, #11, #12, #13, and #14 were all there. And they were great dancers too! Made my night. The swing scene here is incredible, especially compared to what there was in Salt Lake, which was comparatively nothing. Not much in the way of Blues though...
Also, you ever notice that guys who play the bassoon usually look like their instrument? Tall and Skinny and a little awkward?
OK, so. This is going to sound silly, but I picked up this awesome book the other day, because of the author (whom I really enjoy) and it's awesome. It's called Wood Nymph Seeks Centaur: A Mythological Dating Guide, by Francesca Lia Block.
It's really entertaining to read through the different descriptions and be like "Hey! So-in-So who I dated 2 years ago was a Merman! and that other guy? He's a satyr!" I'm an Urban Hobgoblin, in case you were curious. It's a lot of fun... in that silly, I refuse to take dating too seriously kind of a way.
3&4 - you're an Urban Elf. In case you were wondering.
Also... today was the final day of the 2010 Winter Olympics, which means the Hockey Playing men of the United States and Canada went head to head for the gold. I missed the first period, but man am I glad that I didn't miss the third period or OT. Gotta say, I really respect anyone with that kind of talent and dedication.
Oh! and for exciting news. I got an e-mail from Disney, asking me to schedule another interview for more Professional Internships they are considering me for! I'm gonna get a Professional Internship, and I'm gonna move to Florida, and then, I just might stay there. I love Florida so much. I don't have to work to be happy, or try to be happy, or make a conscious effort to be happy, I simply am happy. Don't get me wrong, life is beautiful, and everyday is a great day to be alive and is full of potential, but... Life is more beautiful, every day is even better, and life has more potential and spark in the sunshine state. At least, in this point of my life it does. Another benefit to go along with getting a Pro Internship? Mom and Dad will help pay for all kinds of new cloths! YAY!! I'm really excited and I'm gonna have an amazing job with Disney, and my life, which felt like it was falling apart, is stitching back together.
Thursday, my sister was on call, and I had nothing to do. Went looking online and found out that there's Blues dancing at a bar in Houston, and it sounded like fun, so I got all dolled up and drove out there. When I get there... what do I discover?? It's a gross, creepy, scary dive. Yeah, I turned around and got back in my car, it wasn't the kind of place I want to be by myself.
Friday, my sister and I decided to go to a Comedy Club, and a few of her friends from the hospital were going to join us. Fun, right? Not so much. We were the only ones in the audience, and they were TERRIBLE. I'm talking horribly, embarassingly terrible. Afterwords we went to a Wine Bar, chilled out. Nothing very exciting.
Then, Last Night, was FINALLY a good night! Swing dancing on Saturday nights happens at a Tea House. First off, that in and of itself is spectacular, cause... Swing + Tea = S'Awesome. I head over there and it's PACKED. #7 wasn't there, but that's OK, cause #10, #11, #12, #13, and #14 were all there. And they were great dancers too! Made my night. The swing scene here is incredible, especially compared to what there was in Salt Lake, which was comparatively nothing. Not much in the way of Blues though...
Also, you ever notice that guys who play the bassoon usually look like their instrument? Tall and Skinny and a little awkward?
OK, so. This is going to sound silly, but I picked up this awesome book the other day, because of the author (whom I really enjoy) and it's awesome. It's called Wood Nymph Seeks Centaur: A Mythological Dating Guide, by Francesca Lia Block.
It's really entertaining to read through the different descriptions and be like "Hey! So-in-So who I dated 2 years ago was a Merman! and that other guy? He's a satyr!" I'm an Urban Hobgoblin, in case you were curious. It's a lot of fun... in that silly, I refuse to take dating too seriously kind of a way.
3&4 - you're an Urban Elf. In case you were wondering.

2010 #10,
2010 #11,
2010 #12,
2010 #13,
2010 #14,
2010 #8,
2010 #9,
Amazing Books,
Disney Internship
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Guess who texted me!
Guess who texted me today...
did you guess?
?#7! Yup!
(and yes, I know I'm a dork)
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Boys are dumb. For example: #5! He's Stupid, stupid, stupid. But super sweet. Which is part of the stupid.
I'm rediscovering the simple joys of life... I was a good little housewife today and dusted my sister's house, and it was surprisingly therapeutic. Was actually kinda nice.
I'm rediscovering the simple joys of life... I was a good little housewife today and dusted my sister's house, and it was surprisingly therapeutic. Was actually kinda nice.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Oh! Cute Boy!!
So... it's been a slow year.
Got hit on in the airport last month... #4.
We're skipping #5 in order to keep the number from last year.
Had a lot of fun in Albuquerque with #6. Like, a LOT of fun. But he called me "Kitten" and "Kid" and "Kiddo." Not sure how I feel about that. It was very Humphrey, which I can dig. But... Kiddo? I like Kitten, though. But from a boyfriend, not from... #6. At least not at this point.
Then! Last Saturday I went swing dancing, and I met this guy. #7. Super Cute. Dancer. Hospitality Major. Classical Musician. Did a Disney College Program. We have a scary amount in common. and he's Cute.
I kinda really like him.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Stupid Boy
I was doing awesome yesterday! Really, I was. My sister and I took the dogs for a walk, and went to the movies. We then had dinner at the house and decided that we deserved bubbly, strawberries and brownies while watching a chick flick. Why not, after all. Anyway, was doing awesome, until Last Year's #5 had to go and text me "Hey Beautiful, Happy Valentine's Day". We start texting about our days, and I tell him what I'm doing, and he says it would be nice to be there enjoying that with me, and starts quoting romance movies, like "Ghost" at me. I less than three that movie!
Anyway, boys are stupid
Friday, February 12, 2010
New Amazing
Time for another installment of amazing stuff I've found whilst wasting time on the internet. What else am I going to do around here, be productive? psh. Besides, I'm sure that the emptiness of the internet wants to know what cool stuff there is to be found.
First up! I really really really want to take this class, and wish I had money, cause it'd be Ah-MAZING!! I mean, seriously, this is a seven hour class that ends with a full up pin-up girl photo shoot, and you get to keep the pictures, and it would be so much FUN! To bad I don't have $200 to blow, cause otherwise I'd be all over that, and it'd be major.
Next is actually more than I'm putting up on here, you'll have to go looking yourself as well. I was looking at the "Blogs of Note" and followed one just to see what it was, nothing super interesting, but they had a link to this other website. This dude, Ryan McGinley was commissioned to take photos of some of this year's Winter Olympians. Really neat pics, seriously, check them all out!

Oh! I went looking for Improv Comedy shows in Houston, cause I dearly love to laugh, and I like guys who like to laugh, so why not go somewhere that will make me laugh, and where there will likely be other people who like to laugh? makes sense, right? I know, it's totally shocking. ANYWAY, I knew there was this place called IMPROV comedy club, but all of their comedy shows were standup, figure that one out. Anyway, finally found a place, Third Coast Comedy. They have exactly what I was looking for, so I'm going with my sister next week. She has the task of finding me a cute doctor for a date (what? I'm allowed to use and abuse her connections! If I'm living with her and taking care of her, it's totally cool, right?)
Why not go this weekend, you ask? Cause I'm going dancing, see?? What better way to meet new boys for the new year's man count than to find a new social circle, look amazing, and dance with all kinda of new peeps? Maybe I'll even make some friends. I'm excited, something to do other than sit around, surf the net, take classes, play with the dogs and cook! YAY!
Anyways, I'm out to Panara, which is amazing, but not something I found online...
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Rainy Day
Today it rained all day. Like, seriously ALL DAY. Would have been the perfect day to lie cuddled up in bed for a few hours, eventually get up and have grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup for lunch. Then sit comfortably together, maybe read books or watch a movie together. Companionable silence sort of thing. I miss that easy comfort that I used to have... Oh well, that's not important. Instead, I cuddled up with some coffee and two dogs all morning, had Mac and Cheese for lunch, then worked on a coffee table book online and read for a bit. Then I got to take a long, luxurious bath in my sister's amazing, big, deep bathtub. Kinda like a little slice of heaven right there. I can still hear the rain drip drip dripping outside. And I'm considering making some decaf coffee for a chill evening by myself... it really has been a nice chillaxed day. ahhhhh :)
Makes me think of the song Raining on Sunday by Keith Urban. (Yes, I know he's a country singer, but I'm living in TX, I'm allowed to reference country music)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
New Decision!!
From now on, I want to be able to talk like I'm a song. Imagine if, when you have been super-depressed, and each day just sucks, someone asks you how you're doing and you said:
"I wake up, and teardrops, they fall down like rain"
Or you're really mad at your boyfriend, so you say:
"You change your mind like a girl changes clothes, You PMS like a Bitch, I would know!!"
You're trying to explain how you feel about your girlfriend:
"Good Times never seemed so good, I've been inclined to believe they never would. But now I look at the night and it don't seem so lonely anymore. We fill it up with only two. And when I hurt, hurtin' runs off my shoulders. How can I hurt when I'm with you?"
Seriously, I want to talk like I'm in a song!!
Friday, January 15, 2010
First Decade of the Century... in my life
2000 - OK, really, I can't think of anything fun or neat or exciting that happened in 2000. huh.
2001 - SHS Swim Team took State, I got my first kiss, I started high school, and 9/11, is there really anything else to say?
2002 - The winter Olympics, what a year!
2003 - The year I started swing dancing, something I'm still doing, WOW! Also went on tour with GYS up through Yellowstone and the Tetons etc. OH! Also started dating Loser.
2004 - I graduated from High School and started college, kinda a big deal. AP Tests, SHS Concerto Night, GYS Concerto Night, DanceSport! Also, that summer I went to New York and Boston with GYS. (A trip which no member of my family remembers me going on. Gee, I feel so loved) The year wasn't all amazing though, it was also the year that I was first attacked. I guess with the good comes the bad.
2005 - The real start of my life, far as I'm concerned, it's the year that I moved to Florida for the first time. Also the year that I lost my virginity. Huh... good year! too bad I had to move back to UT.
2006 - Started the year by having my first serious boyfriend break up with me over instant messenger. The whole mess of Jackass (2010's #1)first started. Spent another summer at Disney, met some amazing friends in my Goonie Girls! Then back to living with my folks and more time at SLCC. Also a year I was raped. egh.
2007 - Started going to school at Utah State University, no WDW that year, it was a depressing summer.
2008 - I fell in love with #5. Yeah, the same one who's still around. Back to living with my folks, going to school at the University of Utah, majoring in Hospitality.
2009 - The SUMMER OF AMAZING!! Threw some awesome parties. Otherwise it was a really blah year.
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