OK, So I'm at 27... Let's see if I can remember all these men...
#19: I've worked with him a couple of times. #19 is a sexy Puerto Rican Lifeguard. We work together a lot, and it's become a regular flirting thing. Also, we're talking about hitting a park together when we both have off.
The other day, I was on a Deep Rotation (I originally typed Depp rotation, dOH!) and directly in front of me was my Girl Blondie, whom I love deeply, behind me was #19, which was fun, and behind him was #5, who spent the entire time that I was at Reef Dispatch and he was at Reef Exit staring at me rather than watching his water. I think #19 noticed, because once I was at Reef Float (the rotation had gone through, QED #19 was at Dispatch, and #5 was Reef Guard) he kept on calling for my attention and flirting with me. I got a group of 20 guests to splash him, which freakin' rocked. Also on that stand, #12 came by to say hi.
#20 was the Operations CM at DHS the other day. We talked a little, cause I was there alone, and he gave me a Fastpass to Toy Story Midway Mania, which otherwise has like an hour wait, so it rocked! I got my flirt on AND got a Fastpass out of the deal.
#21 and #22 were also at DHS. I used to work with them both, and they were all excited to see me (I stopped by to say hey to people I knew in the area) #21 begged me to come work with him, and told me how great I look, and that he didn't even recognize me (as he said that, his eyes were on my, uh, Eyes) and #22 stopped working to ask how I was, why I hadn't come by earlier, and told me that I looked REALLY good. Yeah, 1 and 2 were out.
#23 is a Photopass guy at work. He has promised me dinner and a movie for whenever I ask. We only ever see each other in the park, tho, so I haven't had a chance to actually give him my number.
#24 is the friend of a friend. Actually, the Friend of the FiB (Brown) of one of my Girls. (Brown being the one who wanted me to compete swing dancing with him. apparently vs #24) So the three of us went over to the Boardwalk to dance at the Atlantic Dance Hall, I was supposed to dance with both, and they'd see who was better between the two of them. Little did we realize that ADH is closed on Mondays. So we turned literally 180 degrees and instead walked into Jellyrolls, the Piano Bar on the Boardwalk (named after Jellyroll Morton, who, my sister felt inclined to inform me, was very syphilis (sp?) ridden. There! A random factoid for the day) and spent the night drinking instead. There was some general good natured flirting through the night, I made them buy me my drinks, especially after they both started drinking my KoolAide and then Brown spilled it. #24 was annoyed when Brown decided to come along to walk me to my car. After hanging out for a while talking at my car, Brown finally walked away, and I made out with #24 for a bit. After I was on my way home, I got a call asking if I wanted to continue hanging out somewhere. I turned them down in favor of some sleep.
#25 was a guy at Lollicup on my birthday. Flirting over Lollicup is the way to go!
Ahh, then there were #26 and #27. When we first got to Jellyrolls last night for my birthday, it was just me and Giggles. Two girls at the bar is perfect! We were quickly approached by a couple of guys and were hitting it off great, we just about had them wrapped around our fingers when one of my old friends showed up with a crew of people and scared them off. I was annoyed, but at least I got some flirting in.
OH! When I was at Jellyrolls with Brown and #24, #7 showed up with some of the girls from work and sat down next to me. Serious Testosterone Poisoning ensued in all three men, and by the end of the night, Brown was ready to throw #7 off the Boardwalk.
On a more serious note. After a lot of thinking today about my attempting(ed) friendship with #5, I've decided that for my own sanity, I can't do it. So I have cut off from him as much as I can. I can't cut completely because we do work together, and our jobs really center on good communication. It's gonna really suck, but I can't keep on trying to be his friend when I'm still head over heels in love with him. It just doesn't work. But I am going to talk to #12 about trying to keep us from being near each other in rotation or on break together. #12 will be understanding and keep it low profile.
My Love, Miss You All back in UT
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