Operation: Take over [#5]'s Bathroom works much better when #5 actually leaves. I had as long as I wanted in a giant bathroom with NO awkwardness tonight. Can you say nice, long, relaxing, amazing, bubble bath? That's my kind of evening. and Whoops! I forgot my earrings and loofah. oh darn, guess I'll just have to go back over tomorrow.
So, I've been wanting to share what a day at work is like for me, using the example of a day from last week. Originally, there were going to be funny stick figure pictures to illustrate each point, but that is way too much effort for me right now. sorry. Just imagine that we're sitting in the Tea Grotto and I'm showing you funny pictures that I drew cause I have WAY too much time on my hands as I tell you all about this...
At about 6:30 I roll my sorry self out of bed and start my coffee maker. (coffee = yummmmmmm) While the coffee is going, start making breakfast (a delicious egg sandwich). Once the coffee and sandwich have opened my eyes, I start getting ready for work, swim suit, shorts, sandals, polo that's too big, hippack, sunglasses, whistle and nametag. No lunch because Chef Lee will be grilling up lunch today. I heart Chef Lee. around 7:15 I head off to work.
Once I get to work and am clocked in, head out to the guardshack while chatting with a few other guards. Check in and get a morning job, in this case, sweeping the sand out of the footbaths. It's already about 85 degrees, and only 8am. Once the footbaths are swept (which takes about 30 minutes of the given 45) pick trash off the beach until the bells are rung. While grabbing a guard tube, the "Big Kahuna" comes through, so we form a tunnel with our tubes for the Big Kahuna before morning breakout. Breakout is the same thing it always is, it's gonna be hot, don't tell guests that you found their lost articles, drink your water, blah blah blah. Grab rotations, and I'm on a Deep Rotation!! YAY!!!
I start the day at wave 3, so head on over. oh! and I'm bumping #14 all day. This'll be fun! Lifeguard the wave pool, no lifejackets past the red line, no masks allowed. The girl who is bumping me is an idiot, a guest made it all the way up her stairs and she did nothing about it. Idiot. Bump goes through, 40 minutes as an island guard, nothing interesting, then break. It's about 11:10, so get a burger fresh off Chef Lee's grill. yummmm. Then to Unload (the catch area of the Family Raft Ride). For once, the person I'm with can pull their own weight, AND he's cute. Head over to Wave 7, and we're on bobbing waves. I can see managers hanging out on the other side of the pool talking to a new trainee. There's a little boy who yells for help in my water, so I blow my whistle, hit my E-Stop, jump in, and swim over to him. As I get close he starts yelling that he doesn't need help, he's fine, don't touch him!, etc etc. Dumb kid. As I climb out, I get a round of applause from the guests in the wave pool, w00t. The rest of the Wave Rotation goes without a problem, #14 gives me a hard time. Hit break, finish off my chips and reload on Powerade before heading over early to the Reef. While at the Reef, I have to jump in again because the chick who is at Reef Float is playing Taxi rather than Lifeguard. #18, the responding Coordinator (who was nearby for my earlier jump as well) comes over and is all "Sweetie, it is just not your day. Everything OK?" At which point I was already 51 back to stand, and it was all good, just a minor save. Finish off the day with no other major things, guard Body Bottom (remarkably, only one assist over there, usually you have at least one save at Body Bottom on any given day) by the end of the 20 minute rotation, there were 12 lost articles in the catch pool awaiting the diver to come find them. Finish the day where I started, at Wave 3. Clear the pool at the closing announcement and then collect towels and trays from the beach until closing break out.
Since it's a Friday Night, anyone who wants to can stay to play Water Polo in the wave pool. That was fun! My team won. By the time I got home, it was about 10pm, so I hit the sack to start it all over the next day.
Speaking of hitting the sack, I work in the morning, so Good Night!