2001 - SHS Swim Team took State, I got my first kiss, I started high school, and 9/11, is there really anything else to say?
2002 - The winter Olympics, what a year!
2003 - The year I started swing dancing, something I'm still doing, WOW! Also went on tour with GYS up through Yellowstone and the Tetons etc. OH! Also started dating Loser.
2004 - I graduated from High School and started college, kinda a big deal. AP Tests, SHS Concerto Night, GYS Concerto Night, DanceSport! Also, that summer I went to New York and Boston with GYS. (A trip which no member of my family remembers me going on. Gee, I feel so loved) The year wasn't all amazing though, it was also the year that I was first attacked. I guess with the good comes the bad.
2005 - The real start of my life, far as I'm concerned, it's the year that I moved to Florida for the first time. Also the year that I lost my virginity. Huh... good year! too bad I had to move back to UT.
2006 - Started the year by having my first serious boyfriend break up with me over instant messenger. The whole mess of Jackass (2010's #1)first started. Spent another summer at Disney, met some amazing friends in my Goonie Girls! Then back to living with my folks and more time at SLCC. Also a year I was raped. egh.
2007 - Started going to school at Utah State University, no WDW that year, it was a depressing summer.
2008 - I fell in love with #5. Yeah, the same one who's still around. Back to living with my folks, going to school at the University of Utah, majoring in Hospitality.
2009 - The SUMMER OF AMAZING!! Threw some awesome parties. Otherwise it was a really blah year.